
Sorry Works! Blog

Making Disclosure A Reality For Healthcare Organizations 

Medscape: 93% of Surveyed Physicians Feel "Sorry" Would Not Prevent Lawsuits

Medscape released a survey yesterday that said, among other things, in a sample group of physicians that had been sued 93% of those docs feel that saying "I'm sorry" would not have prevented the lawsuit.  This is actually very important data for the disclosure movement because it shows the large discontent between leadership in hospitals and insurers and front-line docs.  This data says to us that the vast majority of physicians still do not understand what is most important to patients and families post-event, what motivates patients and families post-event, and why lawsuits get filed. Make no mistake: Until we get this number turned around there will continue to be a medical malpractice crisis, and doctors, hospitals, and insurers will continue to be sued at a disproportionately high rate.  It's not good enough for the CEO, risk manager, and general counsel to believe in disclosure.  The front-line docs and nurses need to buy in and be trained on disclosure.  You have to make this investment!

The process starts with opening the eyes of your doctors and nurses, and no better way than a Sorry Works! presentation for Grand Rounds and/or your medical staff meeting.  Better yet, when we do Sorry Works! presentations you have us for the entire day for the same price --- schedule as many talks as you would like to touch as many clinicians as possible.  For more information, call 618-559-8168 or e-mail

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