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Contact Us


Something bad just happened to you or your family member at the hospital, nursing home, or doctor’s office.

Maybe it was a medical error?  What do you do now?  Who can you talk to you?  The doctor or the nurse?  Should you call a lawyer, or not?  What about the state medical board, the media, or even social media?   So many questions in this confusing new world….

We are here to help. Sorry Works! has advocated for and taught disclosure and apology following medical errors for over 15 years. We will listen, hear your story, ask appropriate questions, help you organize your thinking, and offer a sympathetic, experienced ear that will hopefully help guide your thinking.   We will help you review your options, including talking to the doctor, hospital, or lawyer, writing a complaint, or sharing your story with the news media or even social media. 

This is a free service to patients and families.  However, please understand…we are NOT a law firm.  We are NOT offering legal or medical advice.  We will NOT judge the merit of your case (was there an error or not?), nor will we determine the potential value of your case.  Instead, we are the first step on your journey.   

There are two ways to contact us:


Phone with voicemail: 618-559-8168.

Or you can complete this form…