
Sorry Works! Blog

Making Disclosure A Reality For Healthcare Organizations 

Sorry Works! Presentations for 2013

Over the last eight years, thousands of healthcare, insurance, and legal professionals have listened to a Sorry Works! presentation at their hospital, through their insurance company, or at an association meeting.  During Sorry Works! presentations, we help caregivers conceptualize disclosure by teaching them about empathy and staying connected post-event without prematurely admitting fault.   Sorry Works! talks are a great introduction to disclosure for your staff.....after a talk many docs, nurses, and other staff will self-identify themselves as disclosure supporters.  These supportive docs and nurses will become your disclosure champions in the organization and often form the nucleus of your disclosure team(s).   Sorry Works! is a great way to kick start your disclosure program. Below is our speaking schedule thus far for 2013 --- e-mail or call 618-559-8168 to inquire about a scheduling a Sorry Works! presentation for your organization.  Let's fill up the calendar for 2013 and really spread the disclosure message!

2013 Speaking Schedule Thus Far:

- January 29th -- northern California

- February 6th - northern California

- February 20th - California Patients Relations Annual Conference

- March 5th - webinar for Western Hospitals

- March 11th/12th - Western Hospital

- March 13th - Los Angeles

- March 21st- Defense Research Institute Annual Conference, Miami, FL

- March 22nd - Pennsylvania Hospital

- March 25th-26th, Las Vegas, National Interdisciplinary Breast Center Conference

- May 9th/10th - tentative for California

- May 17th-18th - Las Vegas

- May 23rd - 26th - tentative, Europe

- week of June 21st - Texas

- August 9th - Oklahoma City

- October 15th or 22nd - Michigan
