February 13th - Teaching Disclosure to Front-Line Staff with On-Line Courses
Back in December, we held preview webinars of the new Sorry Works!-ELM on-line disclosure training program, and over 50 hospitals and insurers attended these webinars. Terrific response. This is a great product for pushing the disclosure message down to the front-line docs and nurses and also new hires down the road, and now it's your turn for a preview on February 13th at 1pm EST/10am PST. To register, simply e-mail doug@sorryworks.net or call 618-559-8168.
Background: Most risk and claim managers and members of the c-suite understand that disclosure is not only the right thing to do, it also makes great business sense for the hospital or insurance company. The challenge is how to get the disclosure message to front-line doctors, nurses, and other staff. How do we teach our doctors and nurses to empathize and stay connected with patients and families post-event without prematurely admitting fault? And how do we teach the disclosure message to – for example – 1,200 nurses and 300 physicians in an economic and scalable fashion? And what do you do about new hires down the road?
Answer: The ELM-Sorry Works! on-line disclosure training course for physicians, nurses, and other front-line staff in acute and long-term care settings. We are holding a free preview webinar February 13th at 1pm EST/10am PST - to demonstrate this new on-line learning tool. To register for the webinar, simply e-mail doug@sorryworks.net or call 618-559-8168.
ELM is the nation's leading provider of online continuing education courses emphasizing risk management and patient safety for physicians and nurses, and SorryWorks! is the nation’s leading training organization for disclosure. This is a perfect match. We’ve taken the Sorry Works! Little Book of Empathy – which is specifically crafted for front-line staff – and loaded it onto the ELM learning management system for online distribution and access. The title of the on-line course will be:
"Empathy and Disclosure: What to Say When Something Goes Wrong"
The content teaches physicians and nurses how to empathize and stay connected with patients and families post-event without prematurely admitting fault. The content literally helps front-line staff conceptualize disclosure and see how "sorry" not only helps patients and families, but also helps providers! Hospitals and insurers will be able to purchase licenses to provide the on-line training program for staff, and staff will earn continuing education credits for completing the on-line courses.
To participate in the February 13th preview webinar for this new course offering, simply e-mail doug@sorryworks.net.