New Research Data: Disclosure Works Nicely in "Open Systems" in Chicago!
One of the traditional criticisms or objections to disclosure is that it can only work in a "closed system" where all the doctors are employees and covered by the hospital's insurance, such as a VA hospital or university/teaching hospital like University of Michigan or University of Illinois. Can't work in an open system hospital where the docs are covered by their own insurance, scoff the critics.
For good measure, critics like to claim that you really need tort reform to see any savings, and, besides, docs can't apologize unless there is some law on the books making apology inadmissible in a court of law.
The critics can go home now. Please, leave!
A few years ago the Obama administration provided AHRQ grant money to test disclosure programs around the country. Three million dollars went to the University of Illinois Medical Center (UIC) which used the funds to pilot disclosure in 10 Chicago-area hospitals with independent docs covered by outside insurers. Moreover, this is Chicago - Chicago! - which is always one of the leading lawsuit "hellholes," so says the American Tort Reform Association. There is no tort reform or apology immunity laws on the books in Illinois.
Well, I saw the UIC data last year, and the claims had literally fallen off the table with disclosure. Moreover, Dr. Tim McDonald of UIC gave a preview of the data to Modern Healthcare. Some of the highlights include a 80% reduction in time to close cases, 70% reduction in litigation expenses, and 20% reduction in defensive medicine. Moreover, University of Illinois Medical Center estimates their disclosure program has saved $22 million in malpractice premiums --- and this is all happening in Chicago! If they can do this in Chicago, what's your excuse?!? There is no excuse....we know several hospitals with non-emloyed docs who are already doing disclosure by partnering with outside insurers. You can do it, and Sorry Works! can help.
Here's the Modern Healthcare article, which, in its opening paragraph, said disclosure is poised to replace the traditional fight over tort reform. Hallelujah! Not only can we tell the disclosure critics to now go home (for good!), we can also tell the political consultants, interest groups, and politicians who make $$ by scaring doctors to take a hike too. Disclosure is ultimately about empowering doctors and nurses post-event.
To teach the disclosure basics to front-line docs and nurses, remember our free preview webinar next Wednesday, February 13th at 1pm EST/10am PST. Sorry Works! has joined forces with ELM Exchange to develop an on-line disclosure training program for docs and nurses that teaches them how to empathize and stay connected post-event without prematurely admitting fault. This CME/CE accredited program is the economic and scalable way to teach disclosure to your docs, nurses, and new hires down the road. To register for the free webinar, simply e-mail or call 618-559-8168.