
Sorry Works! Blog

Making Disclosure A Reality For Healthcare Organizations 

Nominate Yourself (or a friend) for a Free Sorry Works! Tool Kit for September

Tool Kit coverThanks to a generous patient safety advocate, we are giving away one free Sorry Works! Tool Kit for September (and every month of the year). We are looking for suggestions -- and you can nominate yourself. We are looking for the names of individuals, hospitals, nursing homes, insurers, risk or claims managers, or lawyers. And you can nominate yourself! Ultimately, we want recipients who will use the Kits. Nominations are due Friday, September 30th.

Send us a short e-mail message stating why your organization, or one you know of, should be the monthly recipient. Send the name of a hospital or nursing home including the name of an executive (risk manager, claims manager, CEO, General Counsel, etc). We will NOT publicize who receives the Kit. We can share your name (as the nominator) with the recipient, or not -- your choice. E-mail suggestions to

Or perhaps you would like to sponsor a Kit yourself? Now, this is the first time we've had a person sponsor a Kit (or any content) for 12 months, but we've had plenty of people make one-time purchases and tell us to ship content to a certain person or organization. If you are interested in sponsoring a Sorry Works! Tool Kit, e-mail or call 618-559-8168. The Tool Kit retails for $49.99 per unit, but the "sponsor price" is just $39.99 per unit. To sponsor a kit, e-mail or call.

The Sorry Works! Tool Kit is the complete resource for organizations and individuals wanting to implement disclosure. Everything you need to begin your disclosure program is found in the Sorry Works! Tool Kit. Included are the Sorry Works! Tool Kit Book, which is the blue print for any hospital, nursing home, or large practice wanting to start a disclosure program. From developing your policy, to educating your staff, and sustaining your disclosure program, the Tool Kit Book has it all. Also included in the Tool Kit is the Disclosure Documentary, a powerful movie developed by Lawrence and Steve Kraman that not only shows your leadership and staff the importance of disclosure, but will inspire them. The Sorry Works! PowerPoint presentation and Little Book of Empathy (great for front-line staff) are also included in the Tool Kit along with Pocket Notes.

Lots of great stuff in the Sorry Works! Tool Kit. So, again, we need to find homes for 12 Kits over the next 12 months....where should they go? Please e-mail suggestions to by next Friday, September 30th. Moreover, if you want to sponsor some Kits, please e-mail or call 618-559-8168. The regular price for a Kit is $49.99, but the "sponsor price" is $39.99 per Kit. Finally, if you simply wish to purchase a Kit for yourself, click on this link.

