
Sorry Works! Blog

Making Disclosure A Reality For Healthcare Organizations 

NPDB Inhibiting Reduction of Medical Errors? Video from Disclosure Documentary

disclosure documentaryThe recently released Johns Hopkins study showing that medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the US makes it critical to explore solutions. Most agree that dealing in the open with errors – often termed disclosure and apology -- is the first necessary step, and anything that inhibits openness also inhibits progress toward reducing medical errors. One factor that hinders openness is the fear of being reported to the National Practitioner Databank, or NPDB.  Here is a video from the filming of the Disclosure Documentary about concerns with the NPDB:

During the filming of the Disclosure Documentary, Larry Kraman recorded hours and hours of interviews. Unfortunately, not all of those interviews could be included in a 90-minute movie. There were so many terrific interviews concerning important topics and issues that Larry and Steve Kraman want to share this unused footage with Sorry Works! readers.  Today, we are sharing a series of interviews from the filming concerning the National Practitioner Databank, or NPDB.  Again, here is the link:   More footage will be released in the weeks to come....stay tuned!

You can purchase your own copy of the Disclosure Documentary by clicking on this link.  Individual copies of the Disclosure Documentary are just $29.99.  The documentary can also purchased as part of the Sorry Works! Tool Kit which is just $49.99 per unit.  To order, click on this link.

