Board of Directors
Dr. Steve kraman, MD
Steve and Ginny Hamm, JD, pioneered the nation’s first disclosure program at the Lexington VA hospital. Steve has been a long-time supporter and friend of Sorry Works, and he and his brother recently developed the Full Disclosure Documentary which is marketed and sold through Sorry Works!
Ravi Narayan, CSP, ARM, CPASRM
Ravi is a risk manager for John Knox Village, a large assisted living and long-term care provider near Kansas City, MO. Ravi and his team have worked with Sorry Works! to implement disclosure and apology with their clinicians and staff.
Dr. Bob Israel, MD
Bob is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Keck School of Medicine at USC where he is the director of the women’s health clinics and chair of quality improvement, LAC+USC Medical Center. He is a strong proponent of disclosure and 2nd victim support and has worked hard to advance disclosure principles with his residents/faculty and across the LAC+USC Medical Center in general.
Lee McMullin, CPHRM
Lee is a seasoned risk manager and strong disclosure supporter who is the immediate past-President of the Southern California Association for Healthcare Risk Management (SCAHRM).
Bob Kellogg
Bob has enjoyed a long career in the medical malpractice insurance industry and is a strong supporter of disclosure and apology. Bob is currently the President/CEO of Mesa Medical Insurance, and his prior positions included COO of New Mexico Mutual and President/CEO of State Mutual Insurance Company (Michigan).
Dr. Albert Wu, MD, MPH
Albert is a Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. A leading expert on disclosure and the psychological impact of medical errors on both patients and caregivers, he may be best known for coining the term “second victim” in a 2000 British Medical Journal article.
Todd Bartos, JD
Todd R. Bartos, J.D., is a veteran healthcare attorney with subspecialty expertise in risk management, patient safety and healthcare technology. Todd has a national reputation and is an invited speaker on healthcare issues for hospitals, integrated medical groups and clinical and systemic risk issues. Todd teaches physicians, hospital administrators and healthcare attorneys in all areas of healthcare law, including risk mitigation, litigation, crisis communication, implications of regulatory changes and the impact of the ACA and related regulations on the business of healthcare. He has recently published the Professional Liability and Risk Mitigation chapter in the AHLA Representing Physicians Handbook (4th ed.). In his 18-year career, Todd has taught more than 25,000 physicians and dozens of hospital administrators in all areas of clinical risk management and disclosure and has overseen and litigated more than 400 claims. In addition to his private practice, Todd serves as General Counsel for Aspire Ventures, a venture capital firm in Lancaster, PA, where he has a broad practice spanning healthcare, corporate, transactional, regulatory, government affairs, compliance, employment and IP law. He also consults with leading healthcare organizations and startups regarding legal issues and business strategy.
Special advisor to the board:
Dale Micalizzi
Dale lost her child, Justin, to medical errors and the hospital never disclosed or apologized. Dale has used her grief to become a true dynamo in the patient safety world. She has shared her story through Sorry Works, and is a powerful national advocate for disclosure and patient safety.
Wade Westhoff, CFP, AIF
Wade lost his daughter to medical errors in a Oakland hospital. Wade and his family have shared their story extensively through Sorry Works, and their journey has taught countless clinicians and leaders how to behave in a more humane and ethical fashion post-event
Nancy is a risk management consultant with RCM&D, a Baltimore-based insurance and risk advisory firm. She is an active member of the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) and has served on several ASHRM committees. Nancy is past president and a former board member of the Maryland-District of Columbia Society for Healthcare Risk Management. After personal experiences with both effective (and not so effective) communication following unanticipated events, Nancy has become a strong advocate for honest and open communication with patients and families.
Dr. Peter Schwartrz, MD
Peter has taught countless disclosure training seminars with Sorry Works!, and he was one of eight physicians recently elected to American Medical Association’s Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs.
Dr. Robert Cisneros, PhD
Bob is an Associate Professor of Pharmacy at Campbell University. Bob has clinical experience with the value of disclosure and apology, and he teaches disclosure principles to his pharmacy students.
Doug Wojcieszak, MA, MS
Doug is the Founder of Sorry Works! and is the current President/Executive Director of the organization. Doug has taught disclosure to thousands of healthcare, insurance, and legal professionals since 2005. Doug holds an MA in Bioethics from The Ohio State University and an MS in Biology from the University of Illinois.