Rating Hospitals/Nursing Homes on Disclosure & Apology
Sorry Works! is proud to announce the launch a new initiative where we will assist charitable foundations in their due diligence of hospitals and nursing homes seeking grants and other financial assistance. We will review the disclosure and apology programs of hospitals and nursing homes and report back to foundations that are considering donation requests.
As we all know, disclosure and apology is becoming the gold standard for patient and safety within healthcare organizations. We also know that too many hospitals and nursing homes have not yet created disclosure & apology programs due to a myriad of excuses (we're busy, doctors are uncomfortable, we'll get to it next year, etc, etc). Yet, nothing motivates people and organizations to make changes like cold hard cash, especially when someone is seeking a donation. You want the money, well you need to show us you do X or are going to do X. Hospitals and nursing homes need grants and other charitable gifts from foundations and wealthy families to keep pace. However, donors want to know that their money is being gifted to healthcare organizations that make patient safety a top priority. Most importantly, donors don't want to be embarrassed by providing a financial gift to a hospital or nursing home that is then crucified in the media for a poorly handled adverse event.
Working on behalf of foundations and other donors, Sorry Works! will review the disclosure and apology programs of prospective hospitals and nursing homes. This review will include examining disclosure policies and protocols as well as interviewing key stakeholders, including front-line staff. We will report our findings back to the donor.
Here is the brochure for our program.
Now, we will also provide reviews for hospitals and nursing homes. If your hospital or nursing home would like an independent review of your disclosure and apology program, Sorry Works! is happy to help. Simply contact us at 618-559-8168 or doug@sorryworks.net.
Ultimately, we hope this new program will provide the motivation to create more disclosure programs while improving existing disclosure programs. Please help us spread the word by sharing this e-newsletter with friends and colleagues. Thank you.
- Doug
Doug Wojcieszak, Founder
Sorry Works!
618-559-8168 (direct dial)
doug@sorryworks.net (direct e-mail)